The player starts the VR experience in a Star Wars-themed jail cell. Inside the cell, the interactor can
look around to see a dismantled BB-8 robot body, recolored to match GT’s colors and branding.

Assembles BB-8's head and body.

The head automatically snaps onto the body, and BB-8 is repaired. BB-8 makes a celebratory dance and happy chirps.
Then BB-8 shoots a laser at the control panel, jumping to indicate it's not tall enough.

The player places both controllers beneath BB-8's body to lift it up.

The player aim BB-8's laser at the control panel. After a few seconds the panel is overheated and exploded.

Laser jail bars disappear and alarm was triggered. Storm Troopers starts shooting at the player's direcction.
BB-8 is quickly hacking the system to open up the escape pod on the right.

BB-8 was attacted by the Storm Troopers coming in. Should you stop and help him or escape without him?

The player can choose assembles BB-8 again.

If BB-8 is rescued, it runs to the escape pod, waiting for the player to enter.

The door of the escape pod closes as the player enters.

With or without BB-8, the player escaped the Empire's Ship.